Great Falls - The spout

Great Falls - The spout

Monday, December 10, 2007

Potty time

The time has come for me to go in full force on the training. We took away the diapers on Friday as we are planning to put little Alex in pre-school in January and he needs to be trained. It was my hope that I could get him traned last summer but my lazyness and mostly his protest kept me at bay but now he must. He has done really well and seams happy when he gets it right but he had two set backs today with one pee-astrophy and one poop-astrophy. I must have an iron stomic as today I got both a handfull of pee and a handfull of sticky smelly poop. eeeewww! We put him in a diper at night and some say that is cheating but I say it is just insurance! My my has my little buddy grown and no going back now!

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