Great Falls - The spout

Great Falls - The spout

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Home projects

Projects are fun but can be a chore if you have to many. This past week I have been building a shed, adding on to our lower deck, making supports to be able to store my canoe and building a long walkway with a staircase. I get little bits of time to do these things as two kids really put a dent in the time you have to spend on stuff like this. As of now I have the shed built and canoe stored and started the walkway. The deck add on is in the planning stage and hope to start that next week before my wify has to go back to work. I also have been wanting a hammock along with the wife so that is yet another project on the table. I love projects but one has to be careful not to get over ambitious or then these become a chore. I almost forgot I have stuff to do for our church as well as for my dad! Aw crap here I go again!!!

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