Great Falls - The spout

Great Falls - The spout

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The wait continues

Emilynda has felt very funny all night. She said she didn't sleep and was not hungry this morning and that is unusual for her. Her appointment with the doctor went well on Tuesday but she (the doctor) did say that our little buddy didn't have any more room to grow. We have just 21 more days until the scheduled C-section and now that seems like a long wait. Also we just got a call from my brother in law and they are at the hospital right now giving birth to their first child. I don't think it was a coincidence that Emilynda felt funny all night. They elected not to know the sex before hand so we are all anxious to know. My wife is jealous as she wants Joshua out now! She is so big it would only take a slight bump and her belly would pop!

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