Great Falls - The spout

Great Falls - The spout

Friday, January 04, 2008


Today was Alex’s first day at preschool. I was nervous to the fact that he won’t let go of me in a new situation and this was very new to him. I have been prepping him before he went and said to him that he goes to work now like mommy. We had also showed him the room at our church that he would be going so that was an ice breaker. Last night at bed time I asked him if he was ready to go to school and he nodded and answered in a squeaky voice “YES”. Well we got to the school and the minute we hit the door he darted for the class and once inside he saw a work bench full of play tools and went right to work. He never looked back to me and so I left feeling happy that their was not a meltdown but a bit disappointed that he didn’t seem to care that I was gone. I know get over it and be happy it was so easy. But when I came to pick him up with Josh he had a huge smile on his face and couldn’t stop talking about his new fun experience. A proud dad moment! Only one minor miss-hap and that was a pee pee accident as he didn’t want to pee in the girls room. I take him to the men’s room and the urinal. Guess there isn’t one in the lady’s room? HaHa

1 comment:

A Man Among Mommies said...

My 3yo loves preschool. He went to 2yo Preschool last year and the first 5 times he was upset. Now all he can talk about is going to school.