Great Falls - The spout

Great Falls - The spout

Monday, July 10, 2006

Early riser

We awoke to the fun romping of our little boy this morning at the wonderful hour of 6am! He was so full of energy that it was really kind of creepy. So with that I got up and started my day to the dismay of my wife who silly thought that this little funny monkey was going to go back to bed for another hour. Yeh right like like that will surely happen. But after I was up I felt better and may do this every morning as opposed the getting up 5min's before the wify has to go to work and rush like crazy people. Had a nice breakfast and good quality time with the family unit before wify went to work. I even put together the table and chairs for Alex that we bought from Ikea on Friday and all before 8:30am! Now where is my coffeeeeeee!!!

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