What a historic day today will be or is already. A man of color is in all likely hood going to be the next president of the united states. Emilynda and Alex went to the polling station together and did the paper ballot option. She let Alex put the ballot in the box and be part of the process. I can't help thinking about my two sons life times and what they will witness in the future and what kind of candidates they will vote on. I can remember the first time I voted in an election and it was for the second term of the Reagan era. How far we have come from then to now. My late Grandfather was a Republican but I was brought up as a democrat. I often wonder now who he would have voted for in today's election. Hard to say but I know how our family voted today and hope that my kids will be given the same balanced outlook for an informed vote as I have in my life.
Now go vote if you have not already!
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