Great Falls - The spout

Great Falls - The spout

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can you believe it!

Today was a busy day from getting Emilynda off to work to giving a little cultural lesson to Alex's class mates and stopping by my dads house to wish him a happy 70th birthday and my little Josh was very grumpy all day due to this I suppose. He did have a good nap but I guess that was not enough for his little being as upon arrival of his mommy at 7pm and a new diaper he took it upon himself to tuck himself into bed and fall asleep. He cracks me up on a daily basis!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Inauguration day is at hand. We had the chance to visit the capitol and mall yesterday to take in the sights and sounds of the coming celebration and even the day before the atmosphere was prickling with excitement. The choir was rehearsing for the next day and we as well as thousands of others got to hear,listen and applaud their efforts. In all the years that I have lived and worked in this city I have never seen such an excitement for an event of any kind. I feel a newness for our country and for my family for this is truly a historic event and really can not be over stated. To share this with my own family was a real joy and blessing. The whole day today will feel like a rebirth of hope for our country and way of life. Have a great celebration everyone and from a former insider look for the moment that Barack Obama becomes the offical 44th President of the United States at that moment is right after he utters the words "So help me God" That instant is when the transition of power switches from the Old to the new. A very chilling and exciting moment and look at the attention of the secret service from Bush to Obama if you are able and you will see the attention shift. An amazing moment to witness!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Eating like a champ!

Gone are the bottles and baby food and the total reliability on his daddy for a nutritious meal. He is now very content to stuff his little pie hole with what ever you place in front of him be it waffles stuck on a fork or a good bowl of spaghetti and the ever presence of mind as to what ever his big brother is having. Oh the sheer mess of it all but surprisingly not as one would expect from an almost 2yr old. Eat well my friends!

"Stuffing it all in"

"That content feeling"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

late holiday pic!

My little candy cane boys made possible from their Grandma in California!